Re: Edward Smethurst's homes (pics) and friends
Post  Tony Bennett on Wed May 11, 2011 2:34 pm

Which social network would that be Tony? 

REPLY: Well that's for me to know and for you to find out.
Let's see the evidence. 

REPLY: You could ring Greg the Groomer's social networking friend Edward Smethurst yourself and see what he has to say. Here's some more information about him.

Re: Edward Smethurst's homes (pics) and friends

Post  Tony Bennett on Wed May 11, 2011 8:06 pm

What makes you think he's come off Facebook because he 'fears that he is being stalked'?

Much more likely is because he would be embarrassed by the kind of things he, Greg the Groomer, Ben Murphy and others talk about on Facebook and in their Facebook group.

If in any way my shedding light on these dark and murky parts of Facebook has in any way contributed to these people suppressing their disgusting and depraved comments (too graphic to post here), I would regard that as an achievement, however modest.

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