Tony 'Hounding of the McCanns' latest...

Post  kangdang Today at 1:17 am
An extract (excluded starting twaddle) of his/her's most recent entry. 

There isn't, a home in the land that doesn't have a computer, this is where the gossiping takes place. Every child who can read, sees it all.

Words written on line that wouldn't dare be spoken to a person's face. Vitriolic types with anonymous faces spewing hate. They spend hours on line trying to outdo the other vitriol faceless spewing fools. Husband's dinner never cooked, house sitting like a dosshouse. Children learning how to hate from the mother/father, who is supposed to guide them, filthy clothes on their backs, no food in their bellies.
Parents, who are shunned by neighbors, friendless sad Homo sapiens whose only goal in life is to make others as miserable as themselves. These individual are a poison of the worst kind. They are dangerous, they load the weapon of hate with the hope someone will fire it. Someone always does.
I have found out the real identity of some these anonymous people.... and, it shocked me. Some of them are highly educated. Others, are mothers who proclaim in the loudest of voices, they are good mothers. Yet, can tell you in the deepest of detail what a pedophile does to children. I fear for the life their children now lead. It cannot be good, psychologically.

One can only assume that Tony is referring to frequent contributors of PFA2, JATYK and the like of multiple blog author muratfan, and of course their own hate fuelled ramblings at The hounding of the McCanns. To be sure these epitomize "Sad Homo sapien... vitriolic types with anonymous faces spewing hate" online for hours on end. Alas it is true that their "only goal in life is to make others as miserable as themselves." - Thankfully this is rarely achieved, their contributions typically cause bored and spit coffee than wail and angry2"Husband's dinner never cooked, house sitting like a dosshouse. Children learning how to hate from the mother/father, who is supposed to guide them, filthy clothes on their backs, no food in their bellies." Could we assume here that these statements are sociopsychological reflection of the author, BB1, Lily, Sabot, Rosiepops, Raccoon etcetera. 

Like Tony, I too "have found out the real identity of some these anonymous people.... and, it shocked me." 
For example, I know Raccoon acquired a decent enough education and gained employement as a mental health lawyer, specifically pertaining to financial matters acting in the Court of Protection. She asserts herself qualified, thus is quick to pass comment and cast judgement (often ill-informed) on cases of a paedophilic nature, for example, Hollie Greig. Her two off-spring want nowt to do with her, of course one can only hazard a guess as to why. She has numerous failed relationships and at least several failed marriages behind her, again one can only hazard a guess as to why. Certainly healthy and lasting friendships are absent from her life. She has often suggested that she struggles with mental and physical health issues, this was the reasons given for her latest 'leaving blogosphere' flounce. And certainly she is a frequent contributor/reader of JATYK and a follower of Muratfan.

One point Tony failed to acknowledge is the internet's indelible nature....

Re: Tony 'Hounding of the McCanns' latest...

New post  kangdang Today at 1:59 am
Tony (Winters?) of The hounding of the McCanns (not quite as nasty as muratfan's offerings, alas this is likely not through want of trying...Tony's inspiration is evident) and frequent contributor at JATYK.


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